Canadian thrash metal veterans Razor are bringing an unrelenting slab of speedy riffs and pissed-off attitude next month with the release of their upcoming new album, Cycle of Contempt, via Relapse. The album marks the band’s first studio release in 25 years.
Razor founder and guitarist Dave Carlo said the album’s 11 tracks should sound new, yet familiar to anyone that’s been following the band over the years while still satiating any old school thrash metal fan.
“We are so psyched to finally offer this recording to our awesome and patient fanbase! It was our pleasure to make this for you and we sincerely hope you feel it was worth the wait. Play it loud my friends!”
According to the band, Cycle of Contempt harkens back to a time when “clubs around the world were packed with long-haired bands that played as fast as they could and mosh pits that spun and tumbled like clothes in a short-circuiting dryer.”
When writing the album, Carlo said the main focus was to refer to themes that people can connect with and relate to. “I tried to write songs that everybody could listen to and say, ‘Yeah, I know a guy who’s done that to me or done this, or I know that situation. I can relate to that.’ And I didn’t want to make everything specifically about me because when you do that, you exclude people. I wanted to include everyone that’s ever felt pissed off about anything.”
“I tried to write songs that everybody could listen to and say, ‘Yeah, I know a guy who’s done that to me or done this, or I know that situation. I can relate to that.’ And I didn’t want to make everything specifically about me because when you do that, you exclude people. I wanted to include everyone that’s ever felt pissed off about anything.”
In anticipation of the album’s upcoming release on September 23, the band released an official lyric video for “Flames of Hatred,” which you can watch below.
Cycle of Contempt is coming out on September 23 and is currently available for preorder via Relapse.
Cycle of Contempt Tracklist: Flames of HatredJabroniOff My MedsA Bitter PillCrossedFirst Rate HateCycle of ContemptPunch Your Face InAll Fist FightingDarkness FallsKing Shit
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